Thursday 29 October 2015

Host Social Media Events

You can build a loyal, raving community by hosting online events that put the focus on your fans.A fun and effective online event is hosting a “Fan Page Friday”.it’s essentially a virtual networking party where you allow all your fans to share links to social media marketing tools their own pages on your page.The event can last as long as 24 hours or more and is a great way to discover new businesses, get more fans, and build tremendous community while increasing your EdgeRank (news feed visibility), too.Many page owners launch a Fan Page Friday event every week; however, I find it much more effective to host one about every four to six weeks, as it has a bigger impact. On my last virtual party, several social media marketing software thousand page owners participated, many of whom picked up as much as a hundred or more new fans as a result.
Social Media

Social Media Tactics Every Small Business Should Be Using

Social media marketing marketing social media is no longer an option for today’s small business owner.With as many as 90% of small businesses using social media, the question isn’t when, but how you will use it to expand and grow your reach.But too often, business owners feel stumped by social media, allowing it to take a back seat instead of harnessing its power.Maybe it’s a fear of the unknown or the overwhelm that comes with learning something new. Whatever the case, the effective use of social media can confuse even the most seasoned business marketer.But the good news is this.No matter what stage you’re in, you can reinvent your online presence.Make a few tweaks to shift your use of social media and immediately improve your results.
business plan, campaign, or project comes down to benefits of social media marketing Tactics, Tools, and Strategies.To conceive, develop, and implement a sound social media marketing strategic plan that will be successful needs to have those three critical components.The order of execution may vary depending upon the person developing the plan. Some people do better with looking at lots of tools and asking themselves “How can I use these tools to accomplish my goals and which ones do I use? While others may look at tactics that have been tried and proven successful and determine which tactics best apply to them and their goals. And, many start with developing a sound strategy, then determine which tactics and tools best suits their needs to accomplish their goals.For this example, I will take them in the order of Strategy, Tactics, and Tools. So let’s begin by looking at the three levels of strategy necessary for developing a strong successful social media marketing plan.

Podcasts from Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner offers two FREE audio podcasts to help boost your marketing skills and keep you up-to-date with the ever-changing world of social media.Listen in the car, at the gym or while you’re walking the dog.Whether you’re hungry for in-depth expert advice or want quick, snackable tips you can implement today, you’ll discover knowledge you need to make your business your business in a 10-minute daily podcast. Consume snack-sized social media content each day. The result: this daily dose of marketing know-how will equip you to take your social media to an entirely new level. In this show, you’ll discover success stories and expert interviews from leading social media marketing pros in a weekly 45-minute podcast. Discover how successful businesses employ social media, learn new strategies and tactics, and gain actionable tips to improve your social media marketing.
Social Media

Cooperative & Comment Marketing & Purpose of Social Media

Another successful tactic to driving traffic to your blog social media marketing salary is Cooperative & Comment Marketing. Be sure to set your Google Alerts for all of the keyword phrases you use in your blog. Note which web pages and blogs are returned. Use the Google Blog Search feature from Googles’ pull down menu to identify all of the top blogs being written in your industry using your keywords. Go to each of the top blog sites and participate. Read the blogs and place valuable comments on those blogs. Add new information, a different perspective, maybe argue a different point of view, but participate. Listen first, then participate. It’s similar to going to a networking event. You would never walk up to a group, interrupt them, and begin telling them what you sell. That would be completely inappropriate behavior. Step up to the group, listen for awhile, and when you have something of value to add, wait for the right time and add it. You are now part of that trusted buy real active twitter followers micro-community.By adding your comment and having your blog site part of your registration on the comment and occasionally mentioning a similar blog or similar topic on your blog social media marketing statistics site in the comment and giving the URL; you are building Link Love. When the blogger reads your posts and think they are worthy of linking to, you are building a trusted relationship and building Link Love.
What is the purpose of your teen or children using social networks? Is it to top social media marketing companies connect with friends? Nurture relationships? Learn? Help and support others? Support a social good cause, fundraiser or other event? Be sure to prioritize social networks and time based on a purpose. Teach your kids the importance of not being everywhere at once. Avoid the FOMO – Fear of Missing Out syndrome. Who is your teen? What are your family values? Know the difference between authenticity and transparency. You don’t have to share everything about your life, what you ate for every buy followers twitter meal to be authentic. Teach your family that it is okay to share different level of information with different people.Watch for changed behaviors that may identify bullying or other issues.Help them keep a grip on not getting addicted to vanity metrics such as number of Facebook likes, comments or followers on Twitter or Instagram.

This Social Media Behaviour Points To Personality Issues

Study connects this social media using social media for marketing behaviour with narcissism and psychopathic personality traits.Men who post loads of selfies on social media sites like Facebook are more likely to have narcissistic and psychopathic personality traits, according to a new study.Narcissists typically think of themselves as smarter and more attractive than others, while those with psychopathic tendencies tend to be more impulsive and display a lack of concern for the feelings of others.It’s not surprising that men who post a lot of selfies and spend more time editing them are more narcissistic, but this is the first time it has actually been confirmed in a study.The more interesting finding is that they also score higher on this other anti-social personality trait, psychopathy, and are more prone tomarketing with social media self-objectification.The research, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, doesn’t mean that men who post selfies are necessarily narcissistic psychopaths, but that these traits are higher than average in them
Social Media

How Social Media is Influencing Your Behavior

We all know that everyone is a product of their environment. Circumstantial life events, influences, and surroundings can further change our behavior. Social media already highly influences our shopping, relationships, and education. But how large of a role does networking through social media social media marketing strategiesplay into our lives? Maybe more than any of us realize.Although exceptions exist, research suggests that most social networks primarily support pre-existing social relations. For the most part, Facebook is used to maintain existing offline relationships or solidify offline connections, as opposed to meeting new people. These relationships may be weak ties, but typically there is some common offline element among individuals who friend one another, such as a shared class at school. This is one of the chief dimensions that differentiates social media from earlier forms of public communication such as newsgroups. Research in this vein has investigated how online interactions interface with offline ones.
Facebook users engage in “searching” for people with whom they have an offline connection more than they “browse” for complete strangers to meet.While social networks are often designed to social media marketing manager be widely accessible, many attract homogeneous populations initially, so it is not uncommon to find groups using sites to segregate themselves by nationality, age, educational level, or other factors that typically segment society, even if that was not the intention of the developers.Social networks can harbor a flow of generally undesirable things such as anger and sadness, unhappiness, but good things also flow like happiness, love, altruism, and valuable information. “It is the spread of the good things that vindicates the whole reason we live our lives in networks.

Conclusion: What Is Social Media Really All About?

Social media social media marketing plan template isn’t about the media, it’s about being social. It’s about listening but it’s also about conversations and telling stories, just as long as those stories aren’t about you or your brand. It’s about raising awareness and creating credibility (even though it isn’t about marketing), but don’t expect it to lead to sales, new customers or ROI. It’s a networking tool about people, but don’t use it as a prospecting tool. It can be used to build relationships and enhance customer service, but it isn’t a Customer Relationship Management tool.
Social Media

Social Media in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality

ommunication tecnology is changing marketing of tourism. Using the social media marketing instruments for promoting tourism industry in Georgia market is obviously incraesing. Social media marketing is the way for companies for getting close to social media marketing world consumers. According to the International Tourist Research Centers 88% of representatives of tourism business are actively used social media and 70 % of consumers trust of recommendation given by social networks . Social media marketing can also be helpful in understanding the attitudes of customers. Tourism is one of the main priority of Georgian industry, where a number of activities were provided for supporting tourism development in the country. At the same time , the value of social media marketing in tourism business is not well recognized yet. There`s lack of investigation about the impact of social media how to use social media for marketing marketing on tourist behavior in the country. You can find websites and blogs on tourism, but it is rather difficult to obtain effective analytical articles on tourism in the virtual space. It is urgent to involve representatives of academic sphere , to prepare attractive materials for tourists. Social network consumer has opportunity to share opinions with million consumers about toursim destinations, service quality. Why is important to analyze the knowledge of tourist consumer behavior for promoting toursim business activity. Social media should be integrated into marketing mix and lead customers to the useful and right direction
Social media social media marketing tips is fundamentally changing the way travellers and tourists search, find, read and trust, as well as collaboratively produce information about tourism suppliers and tourism destinations. Presenting cutting-edge theory, research and case studies investigating Web 2.0 applications and tools that transform the role and behaviour of the new generation of travellers, this book also examines the ways in which tourism organisations reengineer and implement their business models and operations, such as new service development, marketing, networking and knowledge management. Written by an international group of researchers widely known for their expertise in the field of the Internet and tourism, chapters include applications and case studies in various travel, tourism and leisure sectors.Social Media in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality provides a comprehensive overview of how the rapidly developing Web 2.0 phenomenon is challenging existing customer service, marketing and promotional processes throughout our sector. Packed with examples and comprehensive analyses, the text help readers to rapidly gain an in-depth understanding of both current practices and potential future perspectives, helping them to assess the implications of such developments for their own businesses.

Make a Difference Through Social Media

Facebook and Twitter are a great way to social media and marketing stay in touch with friends and follow topics that are important to you, but they're also an excellent means of raising awareness of important humanitarian and philanthropic causes. ChildFund maintains an active presence on Facebook and Twitter, and there are other ways to interact with us online (including Pinterest and YouTube). In turn, you can use the power of social media to effect real change in the lives of children in need.If you're already a child sponsor, you know that your support and generosity are making a real difference in the life of a vulnerable child. But do your friends know about child sponsorship? Social media is an ideal way to share how your support is changing a child's life and highlight the urgent need for child sponsors in many of the world's developing nations.
Social Media

Ways to Use Social Media to Make a Huge Impact in Real Life

As ubiquitous as social media in this day and age, more people are turning an apathetic ear to what brands have to say rather than hanging on their every word on these channels.That shouldn’t come as a shock to you, though.After all, like direct mail, email, print and broadcast, social media social media marketing agencychannels are far from immune to audience fatigue. Regardless of the medium, customers and prospects grow tired of a barrage of the same old marketing messages. They become skeptical, jaded and impatient over time. They turn off and tune out.Fortunately, there’s no shortage of ways to reinvent the wheel and take your social media program to the next level. Contests. Paid advertising. Bigger staffs. Better strategies. Those are just a few quick ideas.But what about taking your social media marketing courses online activities offline? What about connecting the dots between the inanimate computing device and real life? What about engaging people wherever they are, whatever they’re doing, in the physical, not the virtual, world.
Social media social media marketing company is not a fad. It is a new way of communicating, and it’s not going away, quickly replacing traditional media outlets as the means by which people get much of their news and information.Every day, people are using tools like Facebook and Twitter to incite rebellions and stage revolutions. They’re launching discussions about things that matter and gathering adherents along the way.using this potent tool is not an option; I’ve seen the good can that can result. I’ve been amazed by how much a simple story can be shared by ordinary people and, in effect, change everything.Not too long ago week, I saw this when over 10,000 people signed a petition to tell the world about a small orphanage in Haiti that was trafficking children.We invited people to be a part of another story, one that didn’t end with seventy orphans being trafficked, and they responded. A few days later, the Haitian government intervened. The orphanage was shut down, and the children now have a new home. Apparently, this social media thing can make a difference.

Community over self-centeredness

While the Internet can be a place for showboating and promoting your own personal brand, it’s best used as a one to social media marketing university one medium (as opposed to one-to-many).Ever noticed how few companies and products thrive on Twitter? Whereas leaders like Chris Brogan and Ashton Kutcher thrive? Why is that? It’s because social media connects people to people. It’s all about relationships and connection, not how awesome your widget is.Shaun King saw this when he started tweeting about child trafficking, and celebrities like Eva Longoria took note. Even movie stars want more than a stage and microphone. They want to make a difference. They long to play a role in a story worth telling, to be part of the global community.And social media allows them the outlet to social media marketing b2b do just that.
Social Media

Do Social Media Foster Self-Centeredness or Empathy?

The growth of social networking websites is believed to what is social media marketing have shifted the nature of our social relationships, as well as how we present and perceive ourselves.But experts disagree on whether social media, like Facebook, allows us to connect, or become more self-centered and less empathetic towards others.A new study by Tracy Alloway, Ph.D., of the University of North Florida, investigated the relationship among adult Facebook users, between ages 18 and 50, and found a mixed bag: some Facebook features are linked to selfishness and others may encourage empathy.Alloway and her team queried more than 400 individuals on their Facebook behaviors, including how many hours per day they spent on Facebook, and the number of times they updated their status.They also asked participants to rate their profile picture, were they physically attractive, cool, glamorous, and fashionable.The findings are published in the journal Social Networking.Participants in the study were predominately single and used Facebook an average of two hours per day and had approximately 500 friends for both males and females.
The majority — 89.5 percent — reported they were included in their profile photo.To assess how narcissistic they were, participants were given a standard narcissism questionnaire, where they had to social media marketing jobs choose between statements that best described them.Additionally, the findings indicated that some Facebook activities, such as chatting, were linked to aspects of empathic concern, such as higher levels of Perspective Taking — the ability to place oneself in another’s situation — in males, while females scored lower.The photo feature in Facebook was also linked to the better ability to place themselves, both males and females, in fictional situations.The study’s conclusion found that some Facebook activities, such as chatting, encourage some aspects of empathy.Although the photo feature was linked to narcissism, the overall pattern of findings suggests that social media is primarily a tool for staying connected than for self-promotion.

PR crises on social media – and choosing the platform wisely

There was a data breach, which had a serious impact on customer confidence in the brand. Then Target’s CEO of six years stepped down. And, finally, an anonymous employee released a statement to social media marketing plan Gawker expressing dismay at the company culture and direction.So Jeff Jones, Target’s CMO, took to LinkedIn to clear the air and assure clients, investors, partners, and the business community at large that Target is acknowledging the rough patch and moving forward with alacrity. It was a smart move. Why? Because LinkedIn is a social media space for professionals, professionalism, and brand positioning. Because it is a sphere where folks have a longer attention span than at most other social media sites. And because it showcases admirable transparency – the equivalent of going out into the city square, declaring your new direction for all the world to see and implicitly asking the audience to social media marketing for small business hold you to it. On a macrolevel, this is great news for LinkedIn, as it’s being seen by brands as the ideal (and invaluable) forum for posts of this kind.
Social Media

Ways to Reach Your Target Market Online

Audience engagement is crucial for connecting with your target market online. There are a seemingly infinite number of brands that are vying for customer attention — some with seven figure advertising budgets, and brilliant marketing teams.Your brand’s competitive advantage is in your ability to social media marketing companiesstand out from the crowd in forming genuine, human relationships with your customers and prospects. It takes more than a beautiful website and persuasive copy to truly connect with your online audience. In the competitive world of online marketing, consumer and B2B customers have learned to spot inauthenticity and a lack of effort from miles away.The first step in this process is to develop robust buyer persona outlines and discover where these buyer personas spend their time online. Make sure that your brand has a presence in these channels.
Multi-headed beasts are inevitably smarter than single-headed beasts. There are similar companies trying to reach audiences like yours. Find out who these companies are, and instead of trying to beat them join them in a consolidated, team effort.Once you find a few complimentary partners, guest post on eachother's blogs every few weeks, share eachother's social media posts, or co-host a webinar. Find ways that your online efforts can work together to not only extend your reach, but also to bring more value to your collective target market.You can simplify this mental process by providing a direct answer to social media marketing services this question. Show them examples of customers like themselves — social proof that underscores why your brand really is exceptional.

Focus on Facebook—It’s Where Consumers Spend Most of Their Online Social Time

We’ve known Facebook is the biggest social media social media marketing proposal site in terms of monthly active users (last published as 845 million). But comScore’s study shows Facebook dominates in two other ways.First, Facebook is the premier player among all web properties in terms of time spent—and that means engagement.Second, when compared with other social media platforms, Facebook has achieved an even more impressive percentage of mindshare. Facebook captures 14.6% of Internet users’ time compared to a combined 2% for all other social networking sites. Facebook also captures 16% of all page views.
Social Media

Facebook: Living Keywords

Facebook users tend to be less comfortable making online-only connections than those on LinkedIn and Twitter, but there are still groups, pages, and public profiles you can follow and contribute to. These tend to tolerate outside postings more than LinkedIn, particularly if they are directly related to social media marketing the topic of the group or page.Facebook does allow for some very powerful focusing methods using keywords. Posts can be promoted, which amounts to advertising on a per-ad basis. If you have a large network, this can ensure that more of your friends see your posts, though whether they are interested or not is difficult to measure.Facebook’s advertising methods are closer to social sharing and integrate very well in the regular social interactions of the site, but they allow filtering which allows you to make sure your get in front of the right people.Spend your time on the filtering options to ensure that you are spending money wisely on Facebook.An oft-overlooked social networking tool is Meetup, which allows members to social media marketing job description organize casual get-togethers in their local area for those interested in a particular topic.
Anyone who shows up to a solar energy meetup is going to social media marketing strategy be interested in solar energy.While Meetup is limited to local encounters, it is highly targeted and can give you access to the networks of passionate people. It’s also powerful because it allows you to make introductions and pitches in person, which is always a bonus.Best practices for utilizing Meetup are to attend one or two events organized by others before you suggest your own or try to share promotional materials with the group. If you crowdfunding campaign is relevant and you’ve shown yourself to be a sincere member of the group, it will be received with open arms. Meetup admins also have access to their members’ email accounts, so you can get your crowdfunding campaign in their inboxes directly.While this option does take more work, it basically amounts to highly targeted networking. Just don’t abuse the meetups you attend.

Twitter: Go Beyond Hashtags

One of Twitter’s greatest strengths is its ability to social media marketing consultant filter out communities. Most people are familiar with hashtags, which basically function like the subject line on an email, marking a tweet as about #solarenergy or #womenleaders, for example.What is more difficult is finding out which people are worth following and reaching them. Just because someone uses a hashtag doesn’t mean they are concerned about the topic on a regular basis. With a little digging, you can lock on to the right people to follow.If you are a solar energy nonprofit, you should be following solar energy news profiles, solar energy companies, and journalists who regularly write about solar energy. But you can’t stop there. Dig into the follower lists of those profiles and follow those who follow the big name profiles.
Social Media

Twitter Tools Used by Social Media Experts

With so many Twitter tools out there, it’s hard to social media marketing ideas know which ones to trust with your Twitter account management. So why not take a look at what the social media and industry experts are using.Here are some Twitter applications and tools used by some of the top is just a URL shortening service right? Wrong! Used by @marismith, @techcrunch, and @problogger, a free account will give you access to a dashboard where you can shorten and share links to multiple Twitter accounts. You can also see the stats for any links you share through your dashboard and plug your API key into Tweetdeck, Twitterfeed, or Seesmic to get stats for links you share through those applications as well. As an added bonus, you can even create your own custom short domain to match your brand so you can have branding similar to Mashable’s and Amazon’s custom is a unique application that allows you to collect tweets and curate them manually or automatically in a newspaper-style format which can be automatically shared daily on your Twitter account. Used by @scottmonty, @guykawasaki, and @leeodden, this app is a great way to marketing and social media collect the top tweets from your followers, people on a specific Twitter list, or even anyone who mentions a particular #hashtag. It does drive a nice bit of traffic to sites mentioned by top users, so while some people may not like to be mentioned, others greatly appreciate it!HootSuite is one of my personal favorites as far as Twitter management is concerned, and is also quite popular amongst the social media elite including @chrisbrogan, @tweetsmarter, and @tamar. It is a freemium tool, meaning that you can use the free plan if you have fewer than five social profiles to manage. But the Pro version for unlimited social profiles including enhanced analytics isn’t too steep at only 5.99USD per month.
Twitterfeed, used by @sengineland, @amyporterfield, and @cindyking, allows you to social media marketing packages add RSS feeds (yours and others) to be shared automatically through your Twitter, Facebook, and other social media accounts each time there is a new update to them. You can customize the tweets to show the title of the new post, the link (shortened by your preferred URL shortener), and even add a RT @username or via @username so you let the blogger know you’re always tweeting their posts. It’s a great way to curate content for your audience automatically, but just be careful that the blogs whose feeds you use always publish quality content.TweetDeck is a desktop Twitter management tool used by @jasonfalls, @problogger, and @marshallk. It has features similar features to HootSuite in terms of creating columns to organize your Twitter activity as well as the ability to send longer messages using their service which creates a shortened URL that directs followers to the rest of your tweet beyond 140 characters. I love the interface of this one, but since I use multiple computers, it makes more sense to use a browser-based application instead of one you have to install on a local machine.

Finding your audiences on social media

It’s well worth spending time thinking about who you need to social media marketing network connect and engage with on social media. It’s about seeing past the obvious. Who is interested in your product or service? Is there anything unique that could appeal to a certain audience?Then think about the next level, who those people might be associated with. Word of mouth is a powerful thing and it’s rife amongst social media folk, so connecting with those that are connected to your target audiences can be worthwhile.Also identify your key influencers. These could be people that stand out within your communities, people that others listen to, people that create action (not necessarily those people with thousands of Twitter followers). They could be peers, journalists, thought-leaders or other stakeholders. Peoplesocial media marketing salary with game-changing opinion and ideas. People who challenge the norm. Or simply people that talk sense.
Social Media

Social Media Strategies to Reach Your Target Audience

Social media marketing platforms are constantly evolving, so newcomers are at a disadvantage compared to marketing through social media those who’ve been around the social media block over the last decade. There are more platforms to learn, more features to leverage, and larger audiences to engage.For small or new businesses venturing into social media marketing for the first time, focusing on the fundamentals is key. In this two-part series, we’ll do just that. Read on for a guide to getting started, including defining your target market and choosing the right channels to reach them.Social media has a lot of tools to help you reach your target audience, if you know how to use them. Here are 5 strategies you can apply to make sure your crowdfunding campaign gets in front of the right eyes.
While crowdfunding gives you access to social media marketing certification a much wider audience for spreading your message and connecting with potential supporters, it can also put you at risk of diluting your message. With access to so many people, you need to make sure that you are spending your time wisely and getting in front of the most relevant audiences: those who care about what you care about and are most likely to support you.You’ve probably had the experience of putting your brilliant article or fundraising idea out into the social media ether, only to have it mostly ignored. Your idea may be a good one, but unless it takes root among people who care–your target audience–it will simply get swept away by the ever-moving tide that is the social internet.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

How to Succeed With Your Instagram Marketing

Instagram social media marketing training is a powerful tool for telling a visual story about your brand. As social media users continue to demand more visual content, brands will need a platform where they can share photos and videos that will visually engage their target audience. With more than 300 million active users, Instagram has grown into the most popular social platform for sharing photos. In 2012, Instagram’s purchase for $1 billion by Facebook was seen as folly. But with a current estimated value of $35 billion, it is looking like a bargain! It is also the fastest growing social network. That tells you something about the power of visual marketing on a mobile web.Brands can use Instagram as a tool for sharing their customers behind-the-scenes images of their business and keep them updated on new products. Additionally, Instagram is an excellent tool for establishing a brand identity.Every Instagram account needs to tell a story. When you create your strategy, make sure you share photos that feature your products, brand’s story, and customers. It’s also important to develop brand messaging that will be cohesive with your target audience. Once you have these two elements in place, you’ll be able to develop your Instagram strategy further.

Hallmarks of a Successful Instagram Marketing Strategy

Having an Instagram marketing strategy has never been more important to social media marketing classes the success of a brand. Here are some aspects of an Instagram strategy that help guarantee an effective presence on this platform. Interaction Social media is supposed to be just that: social. Your brand can't merely exist on these platforms; it needs to be an engaging, active presence in order to make a difference. Brands have encouraged interaction with followers through competitions, the use of hashtags, and simply by posting interesting photos on Instagram.Social Media Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that collects and delivers the top social media news first thing every morning. You can sign up to receive Social Media Insights here or at the bottom of this post.An engineering company has developed a street sign that displays helpful navigational information sourced from Foursquare, Twitter, public transportation APIs, and news RSS feeds, among others. Besides showing pedestrians the direction they are heading in, the sign can also show you where the nearest coffee shop is or how soon the next bus will be arriving.Instagram strategy should be largely focused on encouraging brand-consumer connection in order to be worthwhile.
Quality One of the most easily forgotten aspects of having an online presence is prioritizing the actual quality of content posted online. Always encourage your team tosocial media marketing news consider the value your account offers consumers, and give people good reason to actually engage with your brand's online presence. Instagram, whether through filters or video functions, provides many creative opportunities for your brand to stand out. Be sure that your team is taking advantage of this. Though a relatively new part of the social media industry, Instagram is undoubtedly having an impact on how brands communicate with consumers online. For more information on how social media is changing the ways in which brands market products and promote an image, check out Trend Hunter's Social Media Trend Report.With over 20% of Internet users with Instagram accounts, it could pay to take a closer look at Instagram, particular for consumer marketing. If you are a new adopter of Instagram for marketing or seeking reassurance you are using Instagram correctly, this efficient Instagram marketing infographic summarises the basics well. It covers ensuring your profile is up to date, through to engagement techniques with mentions, visual content (photos and videos) and how to manage Instagram campaigns.

Social Media: A Organizational Studies

A relationship over a computerized social networking social media marketing salary service can be characterized by context, direction, and strength. The content of a relation refers to the resource that is exchanged. In a computer mediated communication context, social pairs exchange different kinds of information, including sending a data file or a computer program as well as providing emotional support or arranging a meeting. With the rise of electronic commerce, information exchanged may also correspond to exchanges of money, goods or services in the “real” world.Social network analysis methods have become essential to examining these types of computer mediated communication.Social capital is a sociological concept which refers to the value of social relations and the role of cooperation and confidence to achieve positive outcomes. The term refers to the value one can get from their social ties. For example, newly arrived immigrants can make use of their social ties to established migrants to acquire jobs they may otherwise have trouble getting (e.g., because of unfamiliarity with the local language). Studies show that a positive relationship exists between social capital and the intensity of social network use.
Social Media

An introduction to SMO

Social media social media marketing statistics optimization is an idea that’s been around for a while, but has really come into popularity since Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm was best site to integrated into search in late August.For me, the most important factor of that algorithm change was a new focus on social activity for SEO. Traditional SEO, as you likely know, focuses on link building (links to your content are seen as, essentially, votes in that content’s favor). The more links you have to and within your content, the higher it’ll appear in a search.Now, however, the all-important link has been replaced with the Google +1. If anybody is surprised that Google has made its own social network’s endorsement the most important factor for SEO, you really shouldn’t be…Google has also hugely increased the value of social endorsements of all kinds.
Yes, links are still incredibly important (please do not take away from this section that you can stop link-building), but important also is the Facebook “like,” Twitter’s tweets, LinkedIn’s shares and Pinterest’s pins.What this means for content marketers and content shock: In the coming years, content marketers will need to fight tooth-and-nail to top social media marketing companies make our content more shareable, endorse-able, tweet-able, pin-able and more “like” able than anyone else’s.Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a new term that was recently coined by Rohit Bhargava and has since been taking on life of its own. In his introduction to SMO, Rohit draws similar comparisons to SEO. SMO tactics can drive huge amounts of people to a website and can also determine whether a startup, website or idea will make it or not. It involves driving traffic to a website through new channels because search engines aren’t the only sites that drive big traffic anymore. While it’s not taking over SEO yet, it has the potential to someday soon.First of all “social media” is a buzzword that has been thrown around a lot lately.

Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

Search engine optimization, often referred to social media marketing for small business as SEO, is the practice of improving how well a site ranks in a search engine. Social media is becoming more and more important in SEO, so that companies with excellent social media presences often rank higher than those without. As evidence of Google taking social media seriously: recently, Twitter teamed up with Google, making it possible for specific tweets to show up in Google searches. If nothing else, this is good for the future of social media marketing. Basically, because strong brands tend to be social media powerhouses, the Google search engine algorithm places a lot of value on a strong social media presence. So if ranking well on search engines is important to you, social media marketing is nothing less than required. Every person who visits your site could become a potential customer. The trick, then, is to get as many people to your site as possible. Normally, the only traffic for your site comes buy teitter retweets from people who already know of your company, or from people searching keywords your business ranks for—unless, of course, you have social media profiles. Think of social media profiles as roots, and your website as the trunk. The more well-established roots you have spread in different places, the more nutrients reach the trunk. Every social media profile you have is essentially another pathway to your site.
Social Media

Instagram challenges for marketers

social media social media marketing job description is challenging for marketers because they want to look at things in a more traditional way: how to get people to do x, y and z. The newer platforms, like Snapchat and Instagram, are even more challenging. It’s not easy to write a viral blog post or post a YouTube video that goes viral.Instagram is limited, because you just get that one link in your bio and there are no links in the comments.While a blogger might not see the value in Instagram (“Why should my blog be on Instagram if there’s no link for people to click every day?”), brands are getting more engagement on Instagram than any other social platform. It creates brand awareness that leads more people to your business, events and products.The biggest mistake marketers make, is they aren’t posting enough. On a recent panel, Peg heard Instagram people who have 500,000+ followers say they post multiple times per day. One of them posts 8 or 10 times per day. And they post excellent content.It takes more time to create an Instagram post.
Although you can share a blog post immediately, with Instagram you have to marketing and social media create the image, write the text and figure out all of the things that go with it.On Facebook, people don’t post enough either. On Martha Stewart’s Facebook page they post every hour. Of course she probably has the biggest backlog of content of any person ever, Peg adds.there are basic things to post on Instagram, such as pictures of what you’re doing or where you are. If you’re at an event, it’s fun to post pictures of people you meet or do selfies. You can post a day in the life at your blog or business, pictures of your team or behind the scenes at your company.Show pictures of wherever you happen to be to give more of a human connection with your company.

Reward Engaged Instagram Users

Instagram has only existed in the social-sphere for just under five years, but in that time it’s garnered over 300 million users and is quickly taking over Twitter in the social media how to use social media for marketing kingdom. It’s not going anywhere.Instagram is great for giveaways, and hosting one can quickly boost your follower numbers. Create a “double-tap contest” where users who like your post are entered into a giveaway drawing.For a more advanced campaign, ask users to take a photo with your product and tag you or your hashtag in their post. Enter everyone who participates into a grand-prize drawing and reshare posts from your favorite entries.You can even reward dedicated followers by giving them a shoutout. Creating a collage from posts by your biggest fans and telling followers to add them can be reward enough for adamant users to continue promoting your brand on their own feed.
Social Media

Instagram Trends for Marketers

With 42% of marketers planning to social media marketing courses increase their use of Instagram this year, visual content is more important than ever to a brand’s marketing strategy. But for many brands, creating a captivating Instagram profile and generating high quality visual content can be challenging. To help marketers get the most impact out of their Instagram profiles, here are the top three marketing trends that any business can learn from, whether you have 300,000 followers or 300.Poler Stuff has not one, but three branded hashtags (#campvibes, #adventuremobile, and #beneaththebrim) that they place in their Instagram bio. #Adventuremobile isn’t directly related to any of Poler’s products, but it does speak to their brand persona of active, outdoor living, with over 40,000 posts shared by Instagrammers of their car in the wild.
You don’t have to be a large brand in order to social media marketing b2b have success with your own hashtag: 33 Acres Brewing Co, a small craft brewery, has about 4,000 followers and recently started their own tag #b33r and encourages in-store customers to tag photos with this hashtag over other ones. Without an “official” hashtag, it becomes difficult to monitor your brand mentions – for example, customers could be tagging #33acres, #33, #33acresbrewing, or #33acresbeer. But by creating and promoting their own distinctive branded hashtag, marketers can easily increase their exposure across Instagram while providing their brand with user-generated content for their Instagram profile.Many brands are leveraging branded hashtags to engage their community on social media, but these aren’t your standard #CompanyName hashtags. The hashtags are aligned with the overall brand instead of the product, and Instagrammers are encouraged to tag their photos whether the product is featured or not

How Googlebot accesses your site

For most sites, Googlebot shouldn't access your site more than once every few seconds on average. However, due to benefits of social media marketing network delays, it's possible that the rate will appear to be slightly higher over short periods. In general, Googlebot should download only one copy of each page at a time. If you see that Googlebot is downloading a page multiple times, it's probably because the crawler was stopped and restarted.Googlebot was designed to be distributed on several machines to improve performance and scale as the web grows. Also, to cut down on bandwidth usage, we run many crawlers on machines located near the sites they're indexing in the network. Therefore, your logs may show visits from several machines at, all with the user-agent Googlebot. Our goal is to crawl as many pages from your site as we can on each visit without overwhelming your server's bandwidth. Request a change in the crawl rate.
Social Media

Blocking Googlebot from content on your site

It's almost impossible to keep a web server secret by not publishing links to using social media for marketing it. As soon as someone follows a link from your "secret" server to another web server, your "secret" URL may appear in the referrer tag and can be stored and published by the other web server in its referrer log. Similarly, the web has many outdated and broken links. Whenever someone publishes an incorrect link to your site or fails to update links to reflect changes in your server, Googlebot will try to download an incorrect link from your site.If you want to prevent Googlebot from crawling content on your site, you have a number of options, including using robots.txt to block access to files and directories on your server.Once you've created your robots.txt file, there may be a small delay before Googlebot discovers your changes.
If Googlebot is still crawling content you've blocked in robots.txt, check that the robots.txt is in the correct location. It must be in the top directory of the server (e.g.,; placing the file in a subdirectory won't have any effect.If you just want to prevent the "file not found" error messages in your web server log, you can create an empty file named robots.txt. If you want to prevent Googlebot from following any links on a page of your site, you can social media marketing software use the nofollow meta tag. To prevent Googlebot from following an individual link, add the rel="nofollow" attribute to the link itself.

Pay Attention To Your Followers.

Take notice of who is following your brand. Follow them back, ‘heart’ their pictures if it makes sense avoid the personal pictures unless you have a personal connection with them. Encourage your followers to social media marketing tips share buy facebook likes $5 your photos and your page. This is a great way to spread your reach and attract other users. Once you get a good following, feature your fans photos by encouraging them to use a hashtag or tag your Instagram handle when they are posting a picture. Just be sure to give them credit for the photo. This is easy using an app like InstaRepost.You can also reward your loyal fans with contests and promo codes based on user-generated content. There are a lot of brands catching on to this concept right now. Sony does a great job encouraging their customers and followers to post pictures using specific hashtags, and then featuring their favorites on the Sony feed. Bonobos and Free People essentially use their followers as models, encouraging them to post pictures while wearing the brand’s clothing. Starbucks customers are already used to using #starbucks to share their coffee breaks from all over the world.Don’t forget to take some time regularly to search Instagram and buy facebook likes reviews Twitter for your brand name to find customers that may have already shared images or reviews from your business..
Social Media

Is Instagram A Good Place For Advertising?

Instagram faces a delicate balancing act following the decision to social media marketing tools launch its ad platform in the UK, Canada and Australia later this year.The ads will need to be beautifully crafted, in keeping with the values of how can i buy followers on instagram the image-sharing platform. But many users worry that ads could become increasingly intrusive and detract from the social interactions that take place.Facebook bought Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion and, since then, worldwide user numbers have rocketed to more than 200 million. Some look at the sort of ads Facebook has been serving up on its desktop site – a diet of weight-loss, body-building and dating promotions – and worry that they could find their way on to Instagram.The platform insists it will police all ads to ensure they fit with its high creative values.
The company promises- As Instagram builds its business, we’ve put community first every step of the way."Brands are already active on the platform and have the opportunity to marketing social media showcase the best of their creativity for free. Nike is the number-one brand with 4.7 million followers, while Starbucks has 2.6 million and Burberry 1.5 million. Paid ads will enable brands to promote their images to non-followers.Ads have already been trialled in the US by a handful of brands including Levi’s and Ben & Jerry’s, with positive uplifts in recall reported. For the wider roll-out, ads will bear the word "sponsored". Users will be able to "hide" them and give feedback, allowing the platform to filter out poorly received ads.Some see great opportunities for targeting as Instagram users can link up with their Facebook accounts, enabling Facebook to use its targeting tools to find the most appropriate audiences.

Relate to your followers while staying relevant to your brand

You always want to social media marketing plan template be thinking in the mindset of your target consumers. Likely you’ve already established a few buyer personas and have an idea of the makeup of the leads you’re nurturing and the customers you’re delighting. But now you need to think about why they’re on Instagram. To kill time? To see what’s up with their friends? To check-in on what their children are up to? Let’s pretend you sell financial consulting services and you’ve established that your clients love sport cars and tend to follow popular car brands on Instagram. Ok, perfect solution: post pictures of fancy sports cars! Right? Well, not quite – you need to keep relevant to what you’re selling so perhaps you post an attractive sports car, but write a catchy description reading “Wouldn’t you love to buy this lightning fast beamer? You can if you start making better financial decisions! Call us today for a free 30 minute consultation.” And then stop posting cars for a while because you don’t want your market to think you sell sports cars.
Social Media

Build a community around an actionable hashtag

The great thing about this strategy is that it can be leveraged across other social networks social media marketing company like Twitter and Pinterest, but works so well on Instagram and is the perfect way to get your audience to engage with your brand. Nike did it so well with their winter campaign Choose Your Winter. Being an avid runner and one of the crazy people that runs the Charles River in 10 degree weather during Boston winters, I might be a bit biased, but Nike really did knock it out of the park with this campaign. Not only is the timing exceptional, but it gives Instagram users the ability to interact with your brand. Since the campaign launched in mid-November the hashtag #chooseyourwinter has gained substantial ground on Instagram. Instagram themselves have recognized Nike for having the ability to start a movement with their #runfree campaign months back.Smaller brands can leverage hashtag campaigns as well. Take Infatuation for instance, a trendy restaurant review site founded in 2009, which I wasn’t even aware of until I started seeing their renowned hashtag #EEEEEATS all over my friends food pictures on my Instagram feed. I kept wondering what was up with the EEEEE’s? Why five E’s? I don’t get it…Until I quickly realized this hashtag was created by the guys at Infatuation to create an online food community for “anyone who is serious about food, but doesn’t take food too seriously,” according to their site. And it’s worked absurdly well with over 350,000 posts shared using the prevalent hashtag for foodies all over the map.Every brand needs a community to support it, vouch for it, and give it a personality. That’s not a new development in the marketing world.
Brands had communities long before the digital age. For example, my favorite mom-and-pop sporting goods store informally supported a community that gathered there regularly for coffee, banter, stories, and discussion. Topics included the best products and brands that catered to social media marketing world our outdoor pastimes … and lots of tall tales! We ended up buying things there, too.Today, with so much of consumers’ lives and our world’s commerce going through online channels, it must be harder to build such a sense of community and feeling of belonging around your brand, right? Yes and no.Yes, there is still some challenge around finding people interested in your product or service, getting them to come to “your place,” and engaging them with like-minded individuals. But in many ways, the digital world has spawned almost endless ways to build a large online community of friends and advocates of your brand.Your online community members need a way to get together. Create a hash tag, and use it everywhere and often. A hashtag is the magnet that brings folks together.

Why Marketers Like Instagram More

Instagram and Snapchat have more similarities than just being photo sharing platforms. They also have some commonality in how they both appeal to social media marketing jobs younger age groups, are mobile-driven and have large portions of their audience use the apps daily.When determining which platform to use for your next campaign or even in general.Have you noticed how more marketers are using images.In the last few years, the use of Instagram by companies has skyrocketed. With millions of users, Instagram has become the perfect opportunity for brands to get quick messages and photos to their target audiences.When Instagram started out, it was simply a way to post pictures with your fans and did not have a lot of marketing value.However, in the last few years Instagram has proven to be an effective platform for marketers to reach a new audience in a way the audience wants to be marketed to: with visuals and short messages.
Social Media

Snapchat Or Instagram

Snapchat launched in 2011, though it’s only recently that businesses and brands started to use it as a marketing tool. Snapchat has 100 million daily active users, and there are 400 million snaps per day. More than 60% of Snapchat users in the United States are 13 to 34 years old, and 37% are between 18 and 24 years old. The platform is particularly popular among college students; 77% of them use it daily.Engagement on Snapchat, if any, is private. Snapchat’s images (which do not have to social media and marketing be high-quality) are only temporary, and only 2% of marketers are currently using Snapchat. Instagram was launched in 2010, and quickly picked up steam, especially since Facebook purchased Instagram as their new sister company.Instagram has more than 400 million monthly users, and there are more than 80 million photos posted daily. The platform also skews young: 53% of Instagram users are 18 to 29 years old; 25% are 30 to 49 years old, and 11% are 50 to 64 years old.Engagement on Instagram is public, and comes in the form of hearts, comments and shares. Instagram now offers Ads, partnered with Facebook Ads.
Instagram heavily utilizes hashtags, has a wide international reach and incredible click-through rates. Instagram allows cross-posting to social media marketing agencyFacebook, Flickr and Twitter.While both Snapchat and Instagram are all about the images (and in some cases, videos), they go about photo sharing in two different ways. Snapchat is more casual and places less emphasis on image quality, while Instagram (which greatly resembles Facebook) emphasizes sharing great content to everyone at once.It’s not a question of one or the other. Each platform has its own unique quirks, benefits and challenges, and both have their place in marketing.Experiment on both Snapchat and Instagram. Create different types of content, and see which works best for your business.

Add Instagram to Your Marketing Tools

When you think about Instagram, you may think that only B2C companies can social media marketing services use it.However, it has proven over the last year to be an extremely valuable tool for B2B companies as well.Between using it at events, for promotions, and most importantly, to connect with your customers and prospects, it should be on your list of platforms to use.Customers want a personal experience with a brand that is engaging and accessible. Instagram allows the brand to do this in real time while giving users a different experience than customers using other platforms.To download Instagram, visit their web page and begin connecting with other people and companies in your industry. This is a great way to get examples of what you could do, and then adopt it yourself.
Social Media

Interacting with other Instagram users

There are many ways to social media marketing university interact with other users on Instagram. Options include everything from the ability to tag other users in your photos, to the ability to privately message people.Just like you can tag other users in your photos on Facebook, Instagram allows you to add tags before you post an image or video. To do so, tap the Tag People option before sharing your photo, and then tap in the photo where you'd like to add a tag. The app will then prompt you to type in the person's name to search for him or her. Once you've tagged other users in your photo and shared the image, other users can tap on the photo to see the people who are tagged.Mentions on Instagram work very similarly to on Twitter, in that you use the @ symbol to tag other users in your comments or photo or video captions. Typing in the @ symbol, followed by the first letter of a person's username, will bring up a list of people you can select from; or, you can simply finish typing out the person's username on your own. I
t's also important to note that if you want to what is social media marketing reply to another user's comment (even on your own photos), you need to tag the person in it with an @mention, or that user won't get a notification.Instagram already gave users the ability to add a location to a photo, describe a photo, make it searchable with hashtags, and to mention fellow users in the comment section underneath a photo. Now, they’ve added a feature which allows you to tag someone directly in the photo. Instead of tagging, however, Instagram is calling the new feature “Add People.”All users will now have a “Photos of You” section comprised of photos in which they have been tagged. Users could always interact with their friends’ photos using likes and comments, but the tagging feature gives personal stake in the photos your friends are posting.

Another way to market your brand on Instagram

By creating a branded hashtag, marketers create a win-win situation for both themselves and their community. Brands receive the benefit of increased exposure tosocial media marketing strategy new potential customers through an Instagrammers photo, and Instagrammers love to be featured on a brand’s profile for both the prestige and the increase in followers. When one of my Instagram photos got “regrammed” by Stumptown Coffee, we gained nearly 500 followers in one day! That’s a lot of motivation for the Instagram community to actively share your brand.Another way to market your brand on Instagram without posting product shots is to share lifestyle content that represents your brand’s persona. Marketers should monitor their followers to see what kind of content they are sharing, and then replicate that on their own feeds. Intersperse photos of your product with lifestyle photos that your followers can relate to, whether it’s oceans and palm trees or mountains and landscapes.
Social Media

Instagram Business

Instagram is a great place to social media marketing plan make a name for your brand, and while certain types of businesses like the fashion and food industries may find it a lot easier to gain a following than others, it's definitely not a social network you should rule out.nstagram is a mobile photo-sharing app and social network that was created in 2010 by founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. In 2012, Facebook purchased the service for $1 billion, and as of December 2014, Instagram had more than 300 million users, according to the service's blog. And if you're wondering about the name, "Instagram" is a portmanteau of the words "instant" (inspired by instant cameras) and "telegram" according to its FAQ page.Unlike other social networks, Instagram is completely photo/video-centric, so users can post images and short videos up to 15 seconds, but not text updates like they can on Twitter and Facebook, for example.One of the features that makes Instagram unique is that all photos and videos posted to the app are square, sort of like a Polaroid picture. This not only inspires a lot of creativity especially combined with the app's unique photo filters — but it also gives the app a more streamlined look.Because Instagram is primarily a mobile app, you'll have to download it to your mobile device before you can sign up for an account. Instagram is free in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.
Currently, there is no way to social media marketing companies create a business-specific account, so business and personal accounts are created and function in the same way.Brands that want to drive mass awareness around premieres, product launches and key moments are turning to Instagram’s Marquee ad product to reach millions of people.Marquee is a high-impact, single-day ad that offers guaranteed impressions up to three times a day. Brands can target by country, and choose between video, photo, carousel and link ad formats to tell their business’ story. Since we launched Marquee in 26 countries, brands around the world have seen positive results.In September, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment ran a Marquee campaign to drive awareness of its home entertainment release of Furious 7 on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD. They used three videos leveraging customized high-action scenes from the film tailored to Males 18+ in the US.With their one-day blast campaign, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment received millions of video views and the highest video completion rates they’ve seen to date. Their Marquee ads garnered a 26 point lift in ad recall and a 7 point lift in awareness among their target audience, with even higher results among males 18-34. In addition to raising mass awareness, they drove purchase intent and sales with their campaign—helping make Furious 7 one of the highest-grossing live action DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD releases of the year.

Social Media Power

Smart businesses know that social media is a power to social media marketing 2014 be reckoned with: social media channels create a direct line of communication between your company and consumers and give anyone with an Internet connection instant access to the latest buzz around your products or services. Not to mention, they can help you to generate revenue, while building your brand presence. Let that marinate for a second. This potential for a triple treat is no task to walk into empty handed or unprepared. Unless you want to turn your social media endeavors into a triple threat, you should develop a strategy, based on as much knowledge as possible about your audience and their behavior. These days, the difference between doing social and being social for major global brands is the ability to manage each customer’s social experience across every area of your organization. Sprinklr's social media management platform is purpose-built for enterprise deployment and integration. It makes social media a core function for every one of your business lines, including Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, PR, Events, and Crisis Management. Want to see it in action?
Social Media

Promote your Instagram everywhere

This one is also somewhat self-explanatory, but you need to best social media marketing leverage this channel in the same way you do your other social networks. For example do you have social icons on your homepage or product pages connecting visitors to your social channels? An Instagram icon needs to be added as well. When setting up your account you should first be connecting with Facebook to pull in your friends, but this is just the start of promoting your channel. You should be running Instagram campaigns across your social networks and sending out reminders to employees, brand-ambassadors, and partners (basically anyone who’s established a positive relationship with your brand) to use your business hashtag and any hashtags that are relevant or important to a marketing campaign running. Force (or encourage) your employees, especially those frequently communicating with leads and customers, to add a link to your company Instagram in their email signatures. Add an icon of your Instagram handle to your LinkedIn profile and business card. Repost your Instagram photos to your business Twitter and personal accounts. The opportunities are endless, but once your Instagram is enticing get it in front of people and start building your follower base.
Instagram has only existed in the social-sphere for just under five years, but in that time it’s garnered over 300 million users and is quickly taking over Twitter in the social media kingdom. It’s not going anywhere.Right now, the platform is very easy to social media marketing use. It’s growing and new features are being added regularly, but its strict app form limits the complexities users have to learn to properly manage a profile. Now is the time to master Instagram and grow with it.What Instagram gives you is brand awareness. It’s a great space for new businesses to find passionate followers. It also lets millennials (who, BTW, are quickly growing into the largest consumer generation of all time) know who your business is. It provides mass awareness and intimate engagement. What more would a marketer want out of a social platform?

How to Get Your New Blog Discovered

So what if your new website is a blog? Then in additional to all of the above options, you can also do the following to help get it found by Google.Setup Your RSS with Feedburner – Feedburner is Google’s own RSS management tool. Sign up or in to your Google account and submit your feed with Feedburner by copying your blog’s URL or RSS feed URL into the “Burn a feed” field. In addition to your sitemap, this will also notify Google of your new blog social media marketing best practices and each time that your blog is updated with a new post.Submit to Blog Directories – TopRank has a huge list of sites you can submit your RSS feed and blog to. This will help you build even more incoming links. If you aren’t ready to do them all, at least start with Technorati as it is one of the top blog directories. Once you have a good amount of content,
Social Media

How Long Should It Take You to Write a Blog Post?

Who are these fearless people who would be willing to how to start a social media marketing business post about their lives in as public a forum as the Internet? They are people just like you. Once the haven of technical know-it-alls, blogging has suddenly caught-on as a legitimate hobby and has entered the mainstream. Every day millions of people, some of whom have no technical ability whatsoever, write on their blogs.To meet this demand some amazing tools have been created that will allow anyone, even people with very little knowledge of computers, to have their own blog. If you can find your way onto the Internet and follow some basic instructions you can have your own blog. It’s just that easy. According to research, in every region of the world, most marketers spend 1-2 hours writing a 500-word blog post. Asia-Pacific (APAC) is the only region where roughly an equal number of marketers are spending either 1-2 hours, 2-3 hours, or 4+ hours on a single blog post.In Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) The largest number of marketers (42%) spend 1-2 hours writing a typical blog post. In the same region, 27% of marketers spend 2-3 hours per post, 17% spend 4+ hours per post, and only 5% spend less than one hour per post.In Asia-Pacific (APAC) 27% of marketers spend 1-2 writing a typical blog post -- but not far behind them are the 26% of marketers who spend 2-3 hours per post and another 26% who spend 4+ hours per post. Only 11% of folks in Asia-Pacific spend less than an hour writing a blog post.In Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)the largest number of marketers (35%) spend 1-2 hours writing a typical blog post.
In the same region, almost a quarter of marketers spend 2-3 hours per post, 17% spend 4+ hours per post, and 10% spend less than an hour per post.In Latin America (LATAM) the largest number of marketers (32%) spend 1-2 hours writing a typical blog post. In the same region, 21% of marketers spend 2-3 hours per post, 18% of marketers spend under an hour per post, and 12% spend 4+ hours per post. Latin America was the only region where more marketers reported spending under an hour per post than marketers who spent 4+ hours per post.In North America (NORTHAM)the largest number of marketers (38%) spend 1-2 hours writing a typical blog post. In the same region, 29% of marketers spend 2-3 hours writing a blog post, 29% spend 4+ hours per post, and only 8% spend less than an hour per post.Blog posts should be as long as they need to be to serve their purpose whether that's thought leadership, driving leads, explaining a new concept, etc. Some quick posts could take under an hour to how to social media marketing write; others might take several hours if they require you to go really in-depth. The time to write each individual blog posts can vary, but we've found that on average marketers are spending 1-2 hours per post.

What is Googlebot, Crawling, and Indexing?

Before we get started on some good tips to cost of social media marketing attract the Googlebot to your site, let’s start with what the Googlebot is, plus the difference between indexing and crawling.
The Googlebot is simply the search bot software that Google sends out to collect information about documents on the web to add to Google’s searchable index.Crawling is the process where the Googlebot goes around from website to website, finding new and updated information to report back to Google. The Googlebot finds what to crawl using links.Indexing is the processing of the information gathered by the Googlebot from its crawling activities. Once documents are processed, they are added to Google’s searchable index if they are determined to be quality content. During indexing, the Googlebot processes the words on a page and where those words are located. Information such as title tags and ALT attributes are also analyzed during indexing.So how does the Googlebot find new content on the web such as new websites, blogs, pages, etc.? It starts with web pages captured during previous crawl processes and adds in sitemap data provided by webmasters. As it browses web pages previously crawled, it will detect links upon those pages to add to the list of pages to be crawled. If you want more details, you can read about them in Webmaster Tools Help.Hence, new content on the web is discovered through sitemaps and links. Now we’ll take a look at how to get sitemaps on your website and links to it that will help the Googlebot discover new websites, blogs, and content.
Social Media

Crawling and indexing of locale-adaptive pages

Locale-adaptive pages change their content to define social media marketing reflect the user's language or perceived geographic location. Since, by default, Googlebot requests pages without setting an Accept-Language HTTP request header and uses IP addresses that appear to be located in the USA, not all content variants of locale-adaptive pages may be indexed completely.Today we’re introducing new locale-aware crawl configurations for Googlebot for pages that we detect may adapt the content they serve based on the request's language and perceived location.Geo-distributed crawling where Googlebot would start to use IP addresses that appear to be coming from outside the USA, in addition to the current IP addresses that appear to be from the USA that Googlebot currently uses.Language-dependent crawling where Googlebot would start to crawl with an Accept-Language HTTP header in the request.As these new crawling configurations are enabled automatically for pages we detect to be locale-adaptive, you may notice changes in how we crawl and show your site in Google search results without you altering your CMS or server settings.
Note that these new configurations do not alter our recommendation to social media marketing plan pdf use separate URLs with rel=alternate hreflang annotations for each locale. We continue to support and recommend using separate URLs as they are still the best way for users to interact and share your content, and also to maximize indexing and better ranking of all variants of your content.When you sit down at your computer and do a Google search, you're almost instantly presented with a list of results from all over the web. How does Google find web pages matching your query, and determine the order of search results? In the simplest terms, you could think of searching the web as looking in a very large book with an impressive index telling you exactly where everything is located. When you perform a Google search, our programs check our index to determine the most relevant search results to be returned ("served") to you.

How to Get Google to Index Your New Website & Blog Quickly

Whenever you create a new website social media marketing blogs or blog for your business, the first thing you probably want to happen is have people find it. And, of course, one of the ways you hope they will find it is through search. But typically, you have to wait around for the Googlebot to crawl your website and add it (or your newest content) to the Google index.So the question is: how do you ensure this happens as quickly as possible? Here are the basics of how website content is crawled and indexed, plus some great ways to get the Googlebot to your website or blog to index your content sooner rather than later.Once your website or blog is indexed, you’ll start to see more traffic from Google search. Plus, getting your new content discovered will happen faster if you have set up sitemaps or have a RSS feed. The best way to ensure that your new content is discovered quickly is simply by sharing it on social media networks through status updates, especially on Google+.Also remember that blog content is generally crawled and indexed much faster than regular pages on a static website, so consider having a blog that supports your website. For example, if you have a new product page, write a blog post about it and link to the product page in your blog post. This will help the product page get found much faster by the Googlebot!
Social Media

Using social media to market your business

It seems strange to think there was ever a time when social media social media marketing chicago wasn’t an integral part of growing a small business. While many entrepreneurs still struggle with how to best use social media to engage their audiences and promote their businesses, there are signs that they're gaining confidence in their social media skills. In 2012, 54 percent of small-business owners, who participated in a survey administered by Constant Contact, reported they needed help with social media. This year, that number dropped to 45 percent. This confidence seems to be translating into success, with 72 percent saying that their marketing efforts across the channels that matter, including social, email, mobile and Web, are working.Socially savvy entrepreneurs know that it’s all about engaging the right audiences with valuable content.
A Web site that provides a venue for people to social media brand marketing share their activities with family, friends and colleagues or to share their interest in a particular topic. Facebook, Google+,linkedIn and Twitter are the leading social sites.Members create an online profile with biographical data, photos and any other information they choose to post. They communicate with each other by making their latest thoughts public in a blog-like format or via e-mail, instant messaging, voice or videoconferencing to selected members.What began for personal use migrated to business.

How To Create A Social Media Marketing Plan

A social media marketing plan is the summary of everything you plan to social media for marketing do and hope to achieve for your business using social networks. This plan should comprise an audit of where your accounts are today, goals for where you want them to be in the near future, and all the tools you want to use to get there.These goals should be aligned with your broader marketing strategy, so that your social media efforts all drive towards business objectives. If your social media marketing strategy is shown to drive business goals forward, you’re more likely to get executive buy-in and investment. They should also go beyond vanity metrics like retweets or Likes, in favour of more advanced metrics like leads generated, sentiment or website traffic referred. Strive to approach these goals using the SMART approach, meaning they should all be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.
Social Media

How to Get Your New Website or Blog Discovered

So how can you get your new website social media marketing course discovered by the Googlebot? Here are some great ways. The best part is that some of the following will help you get referral traffic to your new website too!Create a Sitemap – A sitemap is an XML document on your website’s server that basically lists each page on your website. It tells search engines when new pages have been added and how often to check back for changes on specific pages. For example, you might want a search engine to come back and check your homepage daily for new products, news items, and other new content. If your website is built on WordPress, you can install the Google XML Sitemaps plugin and have it automatically create and update your sitemap for you as well as submit it to search engines. You can also use tools such as the XML Sitemaps Generator.
Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools – The first place you should take your sitemap for a new website is Google Webmaster Tools. If you don’t already have one, simply create a free Google Account, then sign up for Webmaster Tools. Add your new site to Webmaster Tools, then go to Optimization Sitemaps and add the link to your website’s sitemap to Webmaster Tools to notify Google about it and the pages you have already published. For extra credit, create an account with Bing and submit your sitemap to them via their Webmaster Tools.
Install Google Analytics – You’ll want to b2b social media marketing do this for tracking purposes regardless, but it certainly might give Google the heads up that a new website is on the horizon.
Submit Website URL to Search Engines – Some people suggest that you don’t do this simply because there are many other ways to get a search engine’s crawler to your website. But it only takes a moment, and it certainly doesn’t hurt things. So submit your website URL to Google by signing into your Google Account and going to the Submit URL option in Webmaster Tools. For extra credit, submit your site to Bing. You can use the anonymous tool to submit URL’s below the Webmaster Tools Sign In – this will also submit it to Yahoo.
Create or Update Social Profiles – As mentioned previously, crawlers get to your site via links. One way to get some quick links is by creating social networking profiles for your new website or adding a link to your new website to pre-existing profiles. This includes Twitter profiles, Facebook pages, Google+ profiles or pages, LinkedIn profiles or company pages, Pinterest profiles, and YouTube channels.
Share Your New Website Link – Once you have added your new website link to a new or pre-existing social profile, share it in a status update on those networks. While these links are nofollow, they will still alert search engines that are tracking social signals. For Pinterest, pin an image from the website and for YouTube, create a video introducing your new website and include a link to it in the video’s description.
Bookmark It – Use quality social bookmarking sites like Delicious and StumbleUpon.
Create Offsite Content – Again, to help in the link building process, get some more links to your new website by creating offsite content such as submitting guest posts to blogs in your niche, articles to quality article directories, and press releases to services that offer SEO optimization and distribution. Please note this is about quality content from quality sites – you don’t want spammy content from spammy sites because that just tells Google that your website is spammy.

Internet Marketing

A couple of years ago hearing an online marketing “expert” discussing social media with a small group. He was rather importantly announcing that social media was a pointless enterprise for businesses, whether they were big or small. He believed it all to be useless hype, with next to no payoff. This coming from a man proclaiming to social media marketing plans be an expert in the field.While at the time I thought he was being rather short sighted, I now realize he was actually being completely ludicrous. It was more than failing to predict the rise of sites like Facebook and Twitter as a PR tool. It was not seeing the wide applications that were already taking off at that point. He was missing what was happening in his own industry, right in front of his face.Social media in all its forms has become something more than the optional step into the modern business model it used to be. Now it is mandatory. Businesses from large corporations to tiny mom and pop shops are expected to have an online presence of some level. Not having a Facebook page, Twitter account or blog can actually lose you business.The best way to learn about social media is through both studying and participating. When you are doing so as a business, learning more about it before venturing out can be a good plan. That way you avoid common pitfalls – and full on social disasters and increase the positive results from your campaign.
Social Media

Why will a plan guarantee your success?

Online media comes at you in many directions – and it’s the same for your audience. Some of the people you need to reach are Facebookers, some are hooked on Twitter, others love Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, blogs or email newsletters. You need to social media marketing podcast know where to find your social media audience across all of those networks, and you need a consistent message to bring to them.Therefore you need to research all online sources to discover where your audience will be. You’ll need to optimize your communications with them by determining what your strongest channels will be and spending less time on the weaker channels. Then, you’ll need to build a base, connecting and interacting with your audience every day. You will find out quickly whether your social media base is most firmly rooted in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Quora or Foursquare.What next? Create a video showcasing your product, launch or event. Videos are the most popular form of online content, so you’ll want to take advantage of that.With these elements in place, your next step is to consolidate your media presence.
You’ll want to monitor Twitter so that you can real estate social media marketing connect with influential local and regional journalists who will help drive your message because they share your interests. Support your outreach by issuing press releases on a regular basis.Want to go further? Consider posting audio, video and photo images of your next event. Be sure all your local listings up are up to date, including Yelp, SuperPages, Google Places/Google Plus, WhitePages, MapQuest, Citysearch, Yellowbook, and Foursquare. Even if you don’t have a storefront, these listings help stake your claim online, helping your business, idea, product or launch come up more readily in searches. Finally, consider starting up a mailing list and sending out a newsletter monthly or weekly.Get a comprehensive plan in place and watch your ideas take root and thrive.