Thursday 29 October 2015

Podcasts from Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner offers two FREE audio podcasts to help boost your marketing skills and keep you up-to-date with the ever-changing world of social media.Listen in the car, at the gym or while you’re walking the dog.Whether you’re hungry for in-depth expert advice or want quick, snackable tips you can implement today, you’ll discover knowledge you need to make your business your business in a 10-minute daily podcast. Consume snack-sized social media content each day. The result: this daily dose of marketing know-how will equip you to take your social media to an entirely new level. In this show, you’ll discover success stories and expert interviews from leading social media marketing pros in a weekly 45-minute podcast. Discover how successful businesses employ social media, learn new strategies and tactics, and gain actionable tips to improve your social media marketing.
Social Media

Cooperative & Comment Marketing & Purpose of Social Media

Another successful tactic to driving traffic to your blog social media marketing salary is Cooperative & Comment Marketing. Be sure to set your Google Alerts for all of the keyword phrases you use in your blog. Note which web pages and blogs are returned. Use the Google Blog Search feature from Googles’ pull down menu to identify all of the top blogs being written in your industry using your keywords. Go to each of the top blog sites and participate. Read the blogs and place valuable comments on those blogs. Add new information, a different perspective, maybe argue a different point of view, but participate. Listen first, then participate. It’s similar to going to a networking event. You would never walk up to a group, interrupt them, and begin telling them what you sell. That would be completely inappropriate behavior. Step up to the group, listen for awhile, and when you have something of value to add, wait for the right time and add it. You are now part of that trusted buy real active twitter followers micro-community.By adding your comment and having your blog site part of your registration on the comment and occasionally mentioning a similar blog or similar topic on your blog social media marketing statistics site in the comment and giving the URL; you are building Link Love. When the blogger reads your posts and think they are worthy of linking to, you are building a trusted relationship and building Link Love.
What is the purpose of your teen or children using social networks? Is it to top social media marketing companies connect with friends? Nurture relationships? Learn? Help and support others? Support a social good cause, fundraiser or other event? Be sure to prioritize social networks and time based on a purpose. Teach your kids the importance of not being everywhere at once. Avoid the FOMO – Fear of Missing Out syndrome. Who is your teen? What are your family values? Know the difference between authenticity and transparency. You don’t have to share everything about your life, what you ate for every buy followers twitter meal to be authentic. Teach your family that it is okay to share different level of information with different people.Watch for changed behaviors that may identify bullying or other issues.Help them keep a grip on not getting addicted to vanity metrics such as number of Facebook likes, comments or followers on Twitter or Instagram.

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