Wednesday 28 October 2015

How to Get Google to Index Your New Website & Blog Quickly

Whenever you create a new website social media marketing blogs or blog for your business, the first thing you probably want to happen is have people find it. And, of course, one of the ways you hope they will find it is through search. But typically, you have to wait around for the Googlebot to crawl your website and add it (or your newest content) to the Google index.So the question is: how do you ensure this happens as quickly as possible? Here are the basics of how website content is crawled and indexed, plus some great ways to get the Googlebot to your website or blog to index your content sooner rather than later.Once your website or blog is indexed, you’ll start to see more traffic from Google search. Plus, getting your new content discovered will happen faster if you have set up sitemaps or have a RSS feed. The best way to ensure that your new content is discovered quickly is simply by sharing it on social media networks through status updates, especially on Google+.Also remember that blog content is generally crawled and indexed much faster than regular pages on a static website, so consider having a blog that supports your website. For example, if you have a new product page, write a blog post about it and link to the product page in your blog post. This will help the product page get found much faster by the Googlebot!
Social Media

Using social media to market your business

It seems strange to think there was ever a time when social media social media marketing chicago wasn’t an integral part of growing a small business. While many entrepreneurs still struggle with how to best use social media to engage their audiences and promote their businesses, there are signs that they're gaining confidence in their social media skills. In 2012, 54 percent of small-business owners, who participated in a survey administered by Constant Contact, reported they needed help with social media. This year, that number dropped to 45 percent. This confidence seems to be translating into success, with 72 percent saying that their marketing efforts across the channels that matter, including social, email, mobile and Web, are working.Socially savvy entrepreneurs know that it’s all about engaging the right audiences with valuable content.
A Web site that provides a venue for people to social media brand marketing share their activities with family, friends and colleagues or to share their interest in a particular topic. Facebook, Google+,linkedIn and Twitter are the leading social sites.Members create an online profile with biographical data, photos and any other information they choose to post. They communicate with each other by making their latest thoughts public in a blog-like format or via e-mail, instant messaging, voice or videoconferencing to selected members.What began for personal use migrated to business.

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