Wednesday 28 October 2015

Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

Search engine optimization, often referred to social media marketing for small business as SEO, is the practice of improving how well a site ranks in a search engine. Social media is becoming more and more important in SEO, so that companies with excellent social media presences often rank higher than those without. As evidence of Google taking social media seriously: recently, Twitter teamed up with Google, making it possible for specific tweets to show up in Google searches. If nothing else, this is good for the future of social media marketing. Basically, because strong brands tend to be social media powerhouses, the Google search engine algorithm places a lot of value on a strong social media presence. So if ranking well on search engines is important to you, social media marketing is nothing less than required. Every person who visits your site could become a potential customer. The trick, then, is to get as many people to your site as possible. Normally, the only traffic for your site comes buy teitter retweets from people who already know of your company, or from people searching keywords your business ranks for—unless, of course, you have social media profiles. Think of social media profiles as roots, and your website as the trunk. The more well-established roots you have spread in different places, the more nutrients reach the trunk. Every social media profile you have is essentially another pathway to your site.
Social Media

Instagram challenges for marketers

social media social media marketing job description is challenging for marketers because they want to look at things in a more traditional way: how to get people to do x, y and z. The newer platforms, like Snapchat and Instagram, are even more challenging. It’s not easy to write a viral blog post or post a YouTube video that goes viral.Instagram is limited, because you just get that one link in your bio and there are no links in the comments.While a blogger might not see the value in Instagram (“Why should my blog be on Instagram if there’s no link for people to click every day?”), brands are getting more engagement on Instagram than any other social platform. It creates brand awareness that leads more people to your business, events and products.The biggest mistake marketers make, is they aren’t posting enough. On a recent panel, Peg heard Instagram people who have 500,000+ followers say they post multiple times per day. One of them posts 8 or 10 times per day. And they post excellent content.It takes more time to create an Instagram post.
Although you can share a blog post immediately, with Instagram you have to marketing and social media create the image, write the text and figure out all of the things that go with it.On Facebook, people don’t post enough either. On Martha Stewart’s Facebook page they post every hour. Of course she probably has the biggest backlog of content of any person ever, Peg adds.there are basic things to post on Instagram, such as pictures of what you’re doing or where you are. If you’re at an event, it’s fun to post pictures of people you meet or do selfies. You can post a day in the life at your blog or business, pictures of your team or behind the scenes at your company.Show pictures of wherever you happen to be to give more of a human connection with your company.

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