Wednesday 28 October 2015

Add Instagram to Your Marketing Tools

When you think about Instagram, you may think that only B2C companies can social media marketing services use it.However, it has proven over the last year to be an extremely valuable tool for B2B companies as well.Between using it at events, for promotions, and most importantly, to connect with your customers and prospects, it should be on your list of platforms to use.Customers want a personal experience with a brand that is engaging and accessible. Instagram allows the brand to do this in real time while giving users a different experience than customers using other platforms.To download Instagram, visit their web page and begin connecting with other people and companies in your industry. This is a great way to get examples of what you could do, and then adopt it yourself.
Social Media

Interacting with other Instagram users

There are many ways to social media marketing university interact with other users on Instagram. Options include everything from the ability to tag other users in your photos, to the ability to privately message people.Just like you can tag other users in your photos on Facebook, Instagram allows you to add tags before you post an image or video. To do so, tap the Tag People option before sharing your photo, and then tap in the photo where you'd like to add a tag. The app will then prompt you to type in the person's name to search for him or her. Once you've tagged other users in your photo and shared the image, other users can tap on the photo to see the people who are tagged.Mentions on Instagram work very similarly to on Twitter, in that you use the @ symbol to tag other users in your comments or photo or video captions. Typing in the @ symbol, followed by the first letter of a person's username, will bring up a list of people you can select from; or, you can simply finish typing out the person's username on your own. I
t's also important to note that if you want to what is social media marketing reply to another user's comment (even on your own photos), you need to tag the person in it with an @mention, or that user won't get a notification.Instagram already gave users the ability to add a location to a photo, describe a photo, make it searchable with hashtags, and to mention fellow users in the comment section underneath a photo. Now, they’ve added a feature which allows you to tag someone directly in the photo. Instead of tagging, however, Instagram is calling the new feature “Add People.”All users will now have a “Photos of You” section comprised of photos in which they have been tagged. Users could always interact with their friends’ photos using likes and comments, but the tagging feature gives personal stake in the photos your friends are posting.

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