Wednesday 28 October 2015

Why Marketers Like Instagram More

Instagram and Snapchat have more similarities than just being photo sharing platforms. They also have some commonality in how they both appeal to social media marketing jobs younger age groups, are mobile-driven and have large portions of their audience use the apps daily.When determining which platform to use for your next campaign or even in general.Have you noticed how more marketers are using images.In the last few years, the use of Instagram by companies has skyrocketed. With millions of users, Instagram has become the perfect opportunity for brands to get quick messages and photos to their target audiences.When Instagram started out, it was simply a way to post pictures with your fans and did not have a lot of marketing value.However, in the last few years Instagram has proven to be an effective platform for marketers to reach a new audience in a way the audience wants to be marketed to: with visuals and short messages.
Social Media

Snapchat Or Instagram

Snapchat launched in 2011, though it’s only recently that businesses and brands started to use it as a marketing tool. Snapchat has 100 million daily active users, and there are 400 million snaps per day. More than 60% of Snapchat users in the United States are 13 to 34 years old, and 37% are between 18 and 24 years old. The platform is particularly popular among college students; 77% of them use it daily.Engagement on Snapchat, if any, is private. Snapchat’s images (which do not have to social media and marketing be high-quality) are only temporary, and only 2% of marketers are currently using Snapchat. Instagram was launched in 2010, and quickly picked up steam, especially since Facebook purchased Instagram as their new sister company.Instagram has more than 400 million monthly users, and there are more than 80 million photos posted daily. The platform also skews young: 53% of Instagram users are 18 to 29 years old; 25% are 30 to 49 years old, and 11% are 50 to 64 years old.Engagement on Instagram is public, and comes in the form of hearts, comments and shares. Instagram now offers Ads, partnered with Facebook Ads.
Instagram heavily utilizes hashtags, has a wide international reach and incredible click-through rates. Instagram allows cross-posting to social media marketing agencyFacebook, Flickr and Twitter.While both Snapchat and Instagram are all about the images (and in some cases, videos), they go about photo sharing in two different ways. Snapchat is more casual and places less emphasis on image quality, while Instagram (which greatly resembles Facebook) emphasizes sharing great content to everyone at once.It’s not a question of one or the other. Each platform has its own unique quirks, benefits and challenges, and both have their place in marketing.Experiment on both Snapchat and Instagram. Create different types of content, and see which works best for your business.

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