Wednesday 28 October 2015

Reward Engaged Instagram Users

Instagram has only existed in the social-sphere for just under five years, but in that time it’s garnered over 300 million users and is quickly taking over Twitter in the social media how to use social media for marketing kingdom. It’s not going anywhere.Instagram is great for giveaways, and hosting one can quickly boost your follower numbers. Create a “double-tap contest” where users who like your post are entered into a giveaway drawing.For a more advanced campaign, ask users to take a photo with your product and tag you or your hashtag in their post. Enter everyone who participates into a grand-prize drawing and reshare posts from your favorite entries.You can even reward dedicated followers by giving them a shoutout. Creating a collage from posts by your biggest fans and telling followers to add them can be reward enough for adamant users to continue promoting your brand on their own feed.
Social Media

Instagram Trends for Marketers

With 42% of marketers planning to social media marketing courses increase their use of Instagram this year, visual content is more important than ever to a brand’s marketing strategy. But for many brands, creating a captivating Instagram profile and generating high quality visual content can be challenging. To help marketers get the most impact out of their Instagram profiles, here are the top three marketing trends that any business can learn from, whether you have 300,000 followers or 300.Poler Stuff has not one, but three branded hashtags (#campvibes, #adventuremobile, and #beneaththebrim) that they place in their Instagram bio. #Adventuremobile isn’t directly related to any of Poler’s products, but it does speak to their brand persona of active, outdoor living, with over 40,000 posts shared by Instagrammers of their car in the wild.
You don’t have to be a large brand in order to social media marketing b2b have success with your own hashtag: 33 Acres Brewing Co, a small craft brewery, has about 4,000 followers and recently started their own tag #b33r and encourages in-store customers to tag photos with this hashtag over other ones. Without an “official” hashtag, it becomes difficult to monitor your brand mentions – for example, customers could be tagging #33acres, #33, #33acresbrewing, or #33acresbeer. But by creating and promoting their own distinctive branded hashtag, marketers can easily increase their exposure across Instagram while providing their brand with user-generated content for their Instagram profile.Many brands are leveraging branded hashtags to engage their community on social media, but these aren’t your standard #CompanyName hashtags. The hashtags are aligned with the overall brand instead of the product, and Instagrammers are encouraged to tag their photos whether the product is featured or not

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